"Cod fishing was arduous and risky work in the rough North Pacific seas. Cod, weighing up to 10 pounds, were caught on baited lines and hauled by hand aboard small dories, which operated from schooners anchored along the coast or above relatively shallow banks amid deeper seas. Dory fishermen, many of them veterans of the Grand Banks of the North Atlantic, typically launched their boats at 4:30 a.m. and completed two shifts of fishing by 6:30 p.m., when they returned to the schooner for the night."
...W A pesca do bacalhau era dura e cheia de riscos, nas aguas revoltas do Pacifico Norte. O Bacalhau, chegando a pesar 5 kgs cada, era alado à mão pelos homens, a bordo dos pequenos doris......."
Digam lá se não é o relato de um pescador português? também???
Acabámos mais tarde, é certo, mas se hoje nos afastamos a passos largos da média europeia, naqueles tempos......
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